Vienna Grade School will be hosting multiple law enforcement agencies on Saturday, January 18th, 2025 for school safety trainings as part of ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors to VGS. Vienna Grade School will be shut down for any school based or other community based activities between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 18th, 2025 to permit access for law enforcement officers from multiple law enforcement agencies to conduct school safety/armed intruder training exercises. Vienna District #55 is thankful for the opportunity to work with law enforcement officers from multiple law enforcement agencies to continuously improve school safety plans and practices.
26 days ago, Greg Frehner
school safety training
No School at Vienna District #55 on Friday, January 10th, 2025. All Johnson County Schools will be closed on Friday, January 10th, 2025 due to the anticipated snow event that will take place later this evening and during the morning hours of January 10th, 2025. Stay safe and warm and we certainly plan on having students back on Monday, January 13th, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Greg Frehner
school closed
CORRECTION: No School at Vienna District #55 on Thursday, January 9th, 2025. The Jr. High Boys' Basketball game scheduled at home vs. Johnston City is still scheduled as of the afternoon of January 8th, 2025. That said, VGS will be recognizing its Winter 8th grade student-athletes at half time of the Junior Varsity boys' basketball game vs. Carterville on Monday, January 13th, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Greg Frehner
basketball schedule change
No School at Vienna District #55 and All Johnson County Schools on Thursday, January 9th, 2025. Jr. High boy's basketball game vs. Johnston City still scheduled for January 9th, 2025. With the impending colder temperatures tonight and several of our rural roads still presenting challenges for early morning travel tomorrow morning, VGS will not be in session tomorrow, Thursday, January 8th, 2025. As of this evening, the Jr. High boys' basketball game vs. Johnston City on the evening of January 9th, 2025 is still scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. Tomorrow night's Varsity and JV boys' basketball games will include the recognition of following 8th grade student-athletes at halftime of the JV game (6:00ish): Lady Rams' 8th Grade Basketball Players Lady Rams' 8th Grade Cheerleaders Rams' Boys' 8th Grade Basketball Players IF THIS EVENT IS CANCELED ON THE MORNING OF JANUARY 9TH, 2025, WE WILL LET EVERYONE KNOW.
about 1 month ago, Greg Frehner
school closure
All Johnson County School Districts, including Vienna District #55, will be closed on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 due to the ongoing below freezing temperatures, power outages and the numerous ice covered rural roads throughout the County. Be safe and stay warm. We hope to have students and staff back to VGS on Thursday, January 9th, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Greg Frehner
School Closure
No School on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 for ALL Johnson County Schools due to the below freezing temperatures, intermittent power outages, and snow/ice covered rural roads in Johnson County. Stay warm and safe and we hope to have students return to VGS on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Greg Frehner
REGISTRATION AT Vienna Grade School for the 2024-2025 School Year Wednesday, July 24th - 11:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. & Thursday, July 25th - 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Vienna Grade School begins the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 13th. School will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. on the first day (half-day staff workshop), with a 2:00 p.m. dismissal on August 14th and through August 16th, 2024. Bus routes and times may vary for the 2024-25 school year and more information will be available at registration. Please call the school office at 658-8286, if you need information regarding transportation. All students must register for the 2024-2025 school year on July 24th or 25th, 2024. Please enter the school on Third Street Door C for registration. Due to auditing procedures by the State Board of Education, parents should be prepared to present documentation that certifies their correct 911 address. A tax receipt, utility bill, or other official proof of residency may be used. Requirements for school entrance by grade: Pre-Kindergarten (prior to entering for the first time) physical examination, lead screening documented, eye examination, up-to-date immunization record, and chickenpox vaccine required or documentation of disease. Dental examination recommended, but not required. Kindergarten requirements are physical examination, dental examination, lead screening, eye examination, up-to-date immunization, and chickenpox vaccine required or documentation of disease. Second grade requirement is a dental examination. Sixth grade requirements are physical examination, up-to-date immunization record, and dental examination. In addition, the following are required: completed health care plan for any diagnosed acute or chronic illness. Eye examination for any out-of-state transfer student entering an Illinois school for the first time is also required. School medication authorization form completed and signed by a health care provider along with parental/guardian consent. Any student who participates in a sport or an extra-curricular program that requires a health examination will still need to provide proof of current physical in order to participate prior to the first formal school practice for any respective sport season (sports physicals are valid for 395 days). Past due balances must be paid at or before registration. Book rental fees must be paid at registration in order to register. Fees are as follows: Book rental fee, K-8 $15.00 Instructional Technology Fee, $15.00 8th Grade Graduation Fee, $25.00 Kindergarten Snacks, $25.00 per year NOTE - You MUST have the following information to register your child: 1. Child’s name 2. Child’s date of birth (Certified Birth Certificate must be on file) 3. Child’s Social Security Number 4. 911 Address and a Mailing Address 5. Telephone numbers: home/work/cell 6. Physician’s name and telephone number 7. Three emergency contacts including name, telephone number and relationship to student This information is important to us, so please bring this information with you on registration day. Vienna Public School District #55 thanks you for your outstanding support!
7 months ago, Greg Frehner
Registration Reminder
Vienna Grade School Fall Rams' Jr. High Baseball Tryouts: July 22nd and 23rd, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Vienna City Ballpark. Male student athletes enrolled at Vienna Grade School going into grades 5-8 are eligible to try out for the 2024 Fall Rams' Jr. High Baseball Team. An updated sport physical will be required to be on file at Vienna Grade School by August 12th, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Joey Borders (Head Coach) or call Vienna Grade School, 618-658-8286.
7 months ago, Greg Frehner
Vienna Grade School Fall Lady Ram Jr. High Softball Tryouts: July 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Vienna City Ballpark. Female student athletes enrolled at Vienna Grade School going into grades 5-8 are eligible to try out for the 2024 Fall Lady Rams' Jr. High Softball Team. The first day of team practice for the 2024 season will begin on July 26th, 2024 (time to be determined). An updated sport physical will be required to be on file at Vienna Grade School by August 12th, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Kelsie Odom (Head Coach) or call Vienna Grade School, 618-658-8286.
7 months ago, Greg Frehner
REMINDER: Any Vienna Grade School student participating on a Vienna Grade School sport's team MUST have an updated sport physical on file prior to the 1st athletic contest of the respective season to be eligible to participate. Sport physicals are good for 395 consecutive days. The VGS Athletic Department will accept the sport physical form provided by a licensed physician as proof of a current sport physical. VGS will also accept the sport physical form provided by the Illinois High School Athletic Association. If you have any questions, please contact us at Vienna Grade School, 618-658-8286.
7 months ago, Greg Frehner
🚨Cross Country Announcement 🚨 The first practice and an informational meeting will be held for incoming 6th, 7th and 8th graders on Monday, August 5th @ 2:00 pm at the Vienna City Park. If interested and planning to attend please contact Coach Stram at (618) 771-1363. Please bring good running shoes and water! *CURRENT PHYSICAL IS REQUIRED
7 months ago, Amanda Shoemaker
VGS Cross Country
REGISTRATION AT Vienna Grade School for the 2024-2025 School Year Wednesday, July 24th - 11:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. & Thursday, July 25th - 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Vienna Grade School begins the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 13th. School will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. on the first day (half-day staff workshop), with a 2:00 p.m. dismissal on August 14th and through August 16th, 2024. Bus routes and times may vary for the 2024-25 school year and more information will be available at registration. Please call the school office at 658-8286, if you need information regarding transportation. All students must register for the 2024-2025 school year on July 24th or 25th, 2024. Please enter the school on Third Street Door C for registration. Due to auditing procedures by the State Board of Education, parents should be prepared to present documentation that certifies their correct 911 address. A tax receipt, utility bill, or other official proof of residency may be used. Requirements for school entrance by grade: Pre-Kindergarten (prior to entering for the first time) physical examination, lead screening documented, eye examination, up-to-date immunization record, and chickenpox vaccine required or documentation of disease. Dental examination recommended, but not required. Kindergarten requirements are physical examination, dental examination, lead screening, eye examination, up-to-date immunization, and chickenpox vaccine required or documentation of disease. Second grade requirement is a dental examination. Sixth grade requirements are physical examination, up-to-date immunization record, and dental examination. In addition, the following are required: completed health care plan for any diagnosed acute or chronic illness. Eye examination for any out-of-state transfer student entering an Illinois school for the first time is also required. School medication authorization form completed and signed by a health care provider along with parental/guardian consent. Any student who participates in a sport or an extra-curricular program that requires a health examination will still need to provide proof of current physical in order to participate prior to the first formal school practice for any respective sport season (sports physicals are valid for 395 days). Past due balances must be paid at or before registration. Book rental fees must be paid at registration in order to register. Fees are as follows: Book rental fee, K-8 $15.00 Instructional Technology Fee, $15.00 8th Grade Graduation Fee, $25.00 Kindergarten Snacks, $25.00 per year NOTE - You MUST have the following information to register your child: 1. Child’s name 2. Child’s date of birth (Certified Birth Certificate must be on file) 3. Child’s Social Security Number 4. 911 Address and a Mailing Address 5. Telephone numbers: home/work/cell 6. Physician’s name and telephone number 7. Three emergency contacts including name, telephone number and relationship to student This information is important to us, so please bring this information with you on registration day. Vienna Public School District #55 thanks you for your outstanding support!
7 months ago, Greg Frehner
Tonight's the night! VGS Class of 2024 Graduation will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the new gym. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. *All 8th grade students should arrive at 6:00 p.m. with their caps and gowns. **A class photo will be taken at 6:45 p.m. in the old gym.
9 months ago, Amanda Shoemaker
Class of 2024
Tomorrow is a busy day at Vienna Grade School! Our morning begins with the Academic Awards program at 9:00 a.m. in the Frehner Fieldhouse (new gym). We invite you to join us. 8th Grade Graduation will be held later in the evening at 7:00. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. We are looking forward to celebrating our students and their achievements and hope to see you there!
9 months ago, Amanda Shoemaker
Academic Awards Program
Huge Congrats to our Kid’s Heart Challenge coloring contest WINNERS‼️❣️🖍️ Winners received a candy bar of choice provided by our wonderful PTO! ❤️🥰 *Not picture Hallie Trovillion and Layne Murrie. Shanks - Maddox Wietting & Aria Harrison Vinson - Averi Canada & Brooke Nalley Spore - Amina Dominguez & Laney Corbit Bundren - Drake Davis & Carter Dummitt A Hook - Castin Beers & Bella Hunt J Hook - Shelbi Smoothers & Daisy Hacker Francis - Layne Murrie & Jamie Owens Trovillion - Finley Meyer & Adelyn Colson Quertermous - Jacob Grasky & Arionna Moss Sadler - Bentley Lingle, Thia Nelson & Hallie Trovillion Crain - Abby Harner & Guinevere Neumann Denny - Levi Murrie & Andrew Eddington
11 months ago, Vienna Grade School
students holding drawings
Colten “Skylar” Blankenship was a 2022 graduate of Vienna High School with several siblings still at Vienna Grade School. Help us show love and support to this family by wearing Eagle’s orange and blue on Wednesday, VHS Student council will be holding a prayer circle at lunch on Wednesday and accepting donations to forward to the family in Skylar's memory. Skylar's family has also requested that any pictures you might have be uploaded and shared to the below link.
11 months ago, Vienna Grade School
orange and blue wednesday in memorium
We wrapped up our American Heart Challenge basketball tournament today!❣️ Our 8️⃣th grade 3-on-3 Basketball champs with a record of 5-0‼️🏀 ⬇️
11 months ago, Vienna Grade School
students with basketball
Good morning from Vienna!
about 1 year ago, Vienna Grade School
Parent outdoors with children